Legal Partner Management with Experience Cloud

The implementation of the Salesforce Experience Cloud solution by CloudROI enabled the law firm to improve its client and partner management processes, resulting in a better client experience, increased productivity, and enhanced security.

CloudROI is a leading cloud computing consultancy that helps businesses migrate to the cloud and implement cloud solutions that increase productivity, reduce costs and improve customer experience. One of its clients, a large law firm, wanted to streamline its client and partner management processes by implementing a Salesforce Experience Cloud solution. 

The law firm had multiple systems and processes for managing clients and partners, resulting in inefficiencies and inconsistencies. They needed a centralized platform to manage their client and partner data and communications, improve collaboration between teams and provide a better client experience. 


CloudROI worked closely with the law firm to understand their requirements and implement a Salesforce Experience Cloud solution. The solution included the following features: 

  1. Partner and Client Management: The solution provided a centralized platform for managing partner and client data, including contact information, communication history, and billing information. 
  1. Collaboration and Communication: The solution enabled the law firm’s teams to collaborate and communicate more effectively with each other and with clients and partners, improving productivity and customer satisfaction. 
  1. Customization: The solution was customized to meet the law firm’s specific requirements, including branding and custom workflows. 
  1. Security: The solution implemented advanced security measures to protect client and partner data, including role-based access control, two-factor authentication, and encryption. 


The implementation of the Salesforce Experience Cloud solution resulted in the following benefits for the law firm: 

  1. Improved Client Experience: The centralized platform provided by the solution enabled the law firm to provide a better client experience by providing a single point of contact for all client interactions and improving collaboration between teams. 
  1. Increased Productivity: The solution streamlined client and partner management processes, reducing manual data entry and improving data accuracy. This resulted in increased productivity and efficiency for the law firm’s teams. 
  1. Better Partner Management: The solution enabled the law firm to manage its partner relationships more effectively by providing a centralized platform for partner data and communications. 
  1. Customization: The solution was customized to meet the law firm’s specific requirements, including branding and custom workflows, resulting in a solution that met the law firm’s unique needs. 
  1. Enhanced Security: The solution implemented advanced security measures to protect client and partner data, ensuring that the law firm’s data remained secure and protected. 


The implementation of the Salesforce Experience Cloud solution by CloudROI enabled the law firm to improve its client and partner management processes, resulting in a better client experience, increased productivity, and enhanced security. The solution was customized to meet the law firm’s unique requirements, providing a tailored solution that met their specific needs. 

Project Info

  • Industry: Professional Services
  • Services:Strategy, Implementation, Support
  • Key Feature 1:Partner Management
  • Key Feature 2:Security
  • Completed Date:06/19/2021