Core Features

Features that CloudROI can utilize to unlock value from Power BI


Data Connectivity

Power BI offers connectivity to over 100 different data sources, including popular databases like SQL Server, Oracle, and MySQL, as well as cloud-based sources like Salesforce, Google Analytics, and Azure.


Data Transformation

Users can transform and shape data using the Power Query Editor, which allows them to clean, reshape, and combine data from multiple sources before importing it into Power BI.


Data Modeling

Power BI offers a powerful data modeling engine that allows users to create relationships between tables, define calculated columns and measures, and build hierarchies and perspectives.


Data Visualization

Power BI provides a wide range of customizable visualizations, including charts, tables, maps, and gauges, that can be used to explore and analyze data.


AI and Machine Learning

Power BI includes a range of AI and machine learning capabilities, including natural language queries, anomaly detection, and predictive analytics.


Mobile Access

Power BI offers a mobile app that allows users to access and interact with reports and dashboards on their iOS, Android, or Windows device.

Power BI

White Papers


10 Key Benefits of Implementing a CRM

In this article, we will explore the top 10 benefits of implementing a CRM system


Top CRMs Compared and Scored​

In this article, we will explore the top 4 CRM systems, Salesforce, HubSpot, Pipedrive and Zoho, and score them based on the key benefits they deliver


Worksheet: Building a Business Case for CRM​

This worksheet is a guide designed to help leaders evaluate the current state of their business and make a strong case for investing in a CRM system ​

Working Process

How we can configure and optimize Power BI

1. Discover

At CloudROI, we start with the discovery process, which involves identifying and analyzing your strategic objectives to determine areas where data analysis can guide decisions, improve efficiency and effectiveness.

2. Plan

In the planning phase, CloudROI’s consultants and solution architects select appropriate Power BI features and set implementation timelines and objectives.

3. Execute

In this phase, CloudROI configures mining and reporting tools to enable the construction of strategic decision tools.

4. Deliver

The final delivery is a set of tools that can be used to guide strategic decisions, improve company efficiency and enable employee effectiveness.

Power BI

Case Studies

Tracking Value from Events

The integration enabled IT1’s sales team to access event-related data...

Marketing to 1,000,000 Subscribers at Mall of America

The implementation of Salesforce Marketing Cloud by CloudROI has transformed...

Tracking Losses with Salesforce Sales Cloud

The implementation of Salesforce Sales Cloud by CloudROI helped BioSweep...

Get more out of Power BI by getting started with us today​ ​