Core Features

Features that CloudROI can configure to drive value from Stripe


Payment Gateway

Stripe serves as a secure payment gateway, allowing businesses to accept payments from customers worldwide. It supports various payment methods, including credit and debit cards, digital wallets (such as Apple Pay and Google Pay), and local payment options specific to different regions.


Developer-Friendly API

Stripe offers a robust and developer-friendly API (Application Programming Interface) that enables businesses to integrate payment processing functionality seamlessly into their websites or applications. The API provides a flexible set of tools and resources for managing transactions, subscriptions, and customer data programmatically.​


​Subscription Billing

With Stripe's subscription management tools, businesses can easily set up and manage recurring billing for subscription-based services. It provides features like metered billing, proration, and trial periods, allowing businesses to handle complex subscription scenarios efficiently.​


Fraud Prevention

Stripe incorporates advanced fraud detection and prevention mechanisms to protect businesses and their customers from fraudulent transactions. It employs machine learning algorithms and behavioral analytics to identify potentially fraudulent activities, reducing chargebacks and improving overall security.


Global Payments and Currency Support

Stripe supports payments in multiple currencies, enabling businesses to accept payments from customers around the world. It handles currency conversion automatically, simplifying cross-border transactions and allowing businesses to expand their global reach.​


Customizable Checkout Experience

Stripe provides customizable checkout options, allowing businesses to tailor the payment experience to their brand and user interface. This feature enables businesses to maintain a consistent look and feel across their website or application during the payment process, enhancing the overall user experience.


White Papers


10 Key Benefits of Implementing a CRM

In this article, we will explore the top 10 benefits of implementing a CRM system


Top CRMs Compared and Scored​

In this article, we will explore the top 4 CRM systems, Salesforce, HubSpot, Pipedrive and Zoho, and score them based on the key benefits they deliver


Worksheet: Building a Business Case for CRM​

This worksheet is a guide designed to help leaders evaluate the current state of their business and make a strong case for investing in a CRM system ​

Working Process

How we can implement and optimize Stripe

1. Discover

At CloudROI we start with the discovery process which involves identifying and analyzing your digital sales workflows and sales-related data to determine areas where Stripe automation can improve efficiency and effectiveness.

2. Plan

In the planning phase CloudROI’s consultants and solution architects select appropriate Stripe features and set implementation timelines and objectives.

3. Execute

In this phase, CloudROI deploys software and processes to streamline and optimize payment collection activities, including checkout flows, tax capture, and more.

4. Deliver

The final delivery process involves ensuring timely and accurate delivery of services to the end user while also tracking and updating relevant information in the system.


Case Studies

Streamlining Vacation Payment Processing with Stripe and Salesforce

CloudROI successfully implemented Stripe payment capture and seamlessly integrated it...

Get more out of Stripe by getting started with us today