Introduction: Mall of America, renowned as one of the largest shopping malls in the United States, faced a pivotal challenge in its digital marketing journey. With an ambitious goal...
Introduction: In an era where digital transformation defines the competitive edge, Apartment List, a leading online platform for rental listings, faced a critical crossroads with their Salesforce CRM. Initially...
The implementation of Salesforce Sales Cloud by CloudROI helped BioSweep improve their sales processes. Case Study: CloudROI Implements Salesforce Sales Cloud for BioSweep Problem: BioSweep, a company specializing in...
Salesforce provided Monarch Air Group with the advanced functionalities they needed to enhance their B2C sales strategy and manage their sales process effectively. Introduction: CloudROI is a cloud consulting...
The implementation of Salesforce Service Cloud enabled the client to streamline their customer service process and improve their customer experience. Client Overview: Our client is an apartment listing technology...